Sunday, August 24, 2008

Racism may cost a Obama's victory

May the bastards who murdered this young boy and destroyed his family's life for ever be put in jail with no chance for parole. When ignorance coupled with hatred brings someone to murder and when to this day so many people believe that Barack Obama is Muslim is outraging. There is no doubt that this savage killing was out of hatred and I am afraid this may cause Obama's defeat as racism is rampant in the U.S.A
I am not saying that ignorant and intolerant people will go around killing Obama's supporters but those idiots who believe everything they hear or read may well kill Obama's chance to be our next president. Take a look here.
Frankly I do not think that the majority of those people wants to be educated as their prejudice is ingrained in their minds and souls. When Hillary and Barack came to Philadelphia this summer and I joined the rally in front the Constitution Center, a woman (Hillary's supporter) flanked her sign to my face and when I told her that I was supporting Obama she called me a communist! Yes, a communist! Now, to my knowledge, no one suggested that Obama was a communist but I strongly suspect that my french accent led this woman to her own conclusion.
America is in deep trouble indeed!

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