During his campaign, Obama said that he will listen to us, he asked us to participate to the conversation, to ask and we should get answers. Obama was elected and through his new site I was eager to read answers I had been longing for, especially re: the question posed by Bob Fertik, “Will you appoint a Special Prosecutor (ideally Patrick Fitzgerald) to independently investigate the gravest crimes of the Bush Administration, including torture and warrantless wiretapping?"
Vice President-elect Biden, 12/21/08: “[T]he questions of whether or not a criminal act has been committed or a very, very, very bad judgment has been engaged in is—is something the Justice Department decides. Barack Obama and I are—President-elect Obama and I are not sitting thinking about the past. We’re focusing on the future… I’m not ruling [prosecution] in and not ruling it out. I just think we should look forward. I think we should be looking forward, not backwards.”
Wait, Am I missing something? May be Yes, may be no? I just "think"...moving forward? Not backward? Let me try again, put your glasses and READ:

Is it "moving backward" to protect and defend OUR Constitution? Is it "moving backward" to ensure that carte blanche is not given to any president, any elected official in abusing power, lying, giving authorization to torture, going to war under false pretenses? OH NO! No Impeachment? The braves of America won't give up. WE won't turn the page to eight years of hell, WE will continue to demand justice and WE will march and protest for the Indictment of George W. Bush and his gang!
Listen to Philippe Sands Considers A Legacy Of 'Torture'
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