Friday, December 5, 2008
Hope? You bet!
And lets go from there.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
On Thanksgiving day
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
War on Equality
Brian S. Brown, executive Director of "National Organization For Marriage" , in a letter to his followers, wrote "There will be more battles ahead. In this fallen world, temporary victories are the only kind. " Marriage Victory: YOU WON!!!
Fallen world? Perhaps the LGBT population should have their own Guantanamo? After all anyone who threatens people should be considered a terrorist. If "We are on the verge of changing something that has been the norm for thousands of years. This decision is such an important matter it could potentially alter the course of history…by redefining the family."Just think about the damages according to Catholic Life Group of Sacramento.
While the validity of Proposition 8 is going to be challenged and I hope that the ballot will be reversed, California is not America. We need to challenge the so-called right of the religious bigots and once for all assure the Separation of Church and State from coast to coast.
A First Amendment Primer
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Change I want to believe in
We got what we wanted, so on January 20, 2009 lets celebrate our victory and strongly continue to believe that YES, WE CAN!
Focus on positive set Obama apart from Palin
In “Why Palin matters to Americans,” Kathryn Lopez asks, “We’ll never know what could have been in a straight-on Obama vs. Palin contest.”Poor Ms. Lopez cannot accept the fact that it is because of Palin that many conservative Republicans voted for Obama! But I do agree with Ms. Lopez that Sarah Palin offered something different than Obama, much different: She incited hatred in her rallies (remember “Kill him” and “Head off!” or the chant of “John McCain, not Hussein” in Florida and in Pa?). She lied (and Ms. Lopez is supporting her lies) when she said Obama was “palling around with terrorists,” suggesting Obama and Bill Ayers were friends. Palin offered many Swiftboat-like attacks against Obama because she had nothing to offer but her charm (sic) and her child born with Down syndrome, whom she carried as a prop everywhere she went, her way to make sure no one forgets she is against abortion.All of this and more, while Obama was consistently speaking about his plan to build up our economy and giving us hope for a better America. And that was really what mattered to Americans.
Monique Frugier
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Time to (NOT) consider Palin
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Where do we go from here?
When "In God We Trust" is printed our money, making millions of Americans a bunch of liars, where do we go from there?
How hypocrites can we be when we denounce and wage wars on extremists yet use religion as "moral value" while bombing Iraq for a bunch of lies? How hypocrites can we be when we denounce abortions saying that we value life yet kill the souls of millions of gays and lesbians by not allowing them to adopt children and/or giving them the right to be treated equal as human beings ?
And now we have Sarah Palin who speaks about putting her life in her creator's hands Oh brother! I wonder if her "creator" put words in her mouth when she accused Barack Obama to have ties with terrorists and if her "creator" zipped her mouth when she heard someone yelled "kill him" or "head off" during her rallies! Want to discuss morality, Sarah?
Soon Obama will be inaugurated President but America will continue its so-called "Moral war" and I have enough! If you think that things are bad just wait 2012. But if you want to help bring REAL change in America, my friends ( sic) you better join me and fight for SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE.
This is a good start to begin from here - today-
Friday, November 7, 2008
What a ride this experience was and how many late nights spent watching the news, reading of another possible stolen election! From the beginning of the campaign I told myself that I would not pay attention to the polls reminding myself of 2004. Whom was I kidding? In short, I put my personal life on hold, my kitchen table soon covered with mails I did not bother to open - most were bills not due yet- and the rest junk I would discard later. At work Obama was the talk of each day, the debates and the horror coming out of the McCain campaign. Everywhere I went I made sure I directed conversations on the elections , always carrying a bunch of registrations and a few bumper stickers. On my last day of canvassing I took this picture
Laurie, my canvassing partner of the day (Monday Nov.3), and I were in our township (Haverford) knocking at doors in neighboroughs both of us did not know existed. This last day was an eye opener of the divide among us and so close by. I should have taken a pic. of the streets we walked then. The house next to the one above had a Virgin Mary statue by the front door and this was one of the home we were to visit. For sure I thought the people would have rejected us but to my surprise the whole family was supporting Obama! YEAH! We were told that they did not want to put an Obama sign on their lawn for fear of the people supporting McCain - all of them "prolifers" and in adoration with Sarah Palin. A young man came out of the next door house with a small dog on a leach, said hello because we greeted him but when he realized what we were doing and saw the t-shirt I was wearing ( Obama's face with the writing "That One" underneath) he visibly became angry. Later on we crossed path with him again as he was walking back , dog barking pulling on the leach toward us. Laurie crossed the street, I continued walking and as the man and his dog came closer I smiled and looking at the animal said "why are you barking?" to which the man responded in a loud voice "He barks because he does not like your t-shirt and what's written on it!" blabla, we exchanged a few words, his "baby killer" me" war supporter" ( tss..tsss..I know, I know better than not to engage with such people but I could not help it.) Laurie was right, the guy could have had a gun on him or even go to his home and get one. We were done our work in that area and rushed to the car en route to another street.
At another home a woman told us that her brother living next door was supporting McCain and that she was trying hard to convince him to change his mind. Same thing there : No Obama lawn sign. In fact in that area we did not see any, just here and there a small sign at a window. That day most homes had their shutters closed, either people were at work or they did not want to get bothered. But we did get the chance to speak to a few and get positive feedbacks.
The day before was a better day for me. A much different area of Haverford, many good conversations and so much enthusiasm. The best experience I had was when I distributed lawn signs for Greg Vitali (my State Representative) in Ardmore. On my list of homes to go to was the one that had a Bush/Cheney (twice) on its lawn. I remember too well this house with all kind of patriotic signs : American flag, Vietnam veteran sign and "Support the Troops". All minus the Bush/Cheney were still there but this household was supporting Obama and our Democrats. Bravo!At work I made sure everyone was registered and made a pest of myself questioning everyone if they knew their polling place and later on verified the answers I got. One of my coworkers was going to vote for McCain because her husband told her he was the right guy to vote for. That was about 6 months before the elections. Guess what? she and her husband changed their mind and even asked me for Obama's buttons! SMILE!
And here we are today. Me, with a huge stye on my left eye - my usual sign of maximum stress- But hey! all was worth it!This week end, I am cleaning my garden. Bills are paid, kitchen table is cleared. For a little while I am taking my life back. More to do later on, but one day at a time!

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Concerned about Barack Obama?
Yes, I am concerned . Obama is winning in the polls but so was John Kerry in 2004 and we saw what happened! The whole world is waiting for Obama's victory and I pray.
Meanwhile, Palin attacks Obama and former Gov. Tom Ridge declares that that McCain had made a bold choice by selecting Palin. No kidding!
After 8 years of a Bush presidency I am afraid that our country will stay divided for a very long time. It is not just a question of political differences but it is about blatant hatred, discrimination and racism. This is not the America I knew. Perhaps I did not want to know because it is too damn painful.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Don't bring them home?
One sign read "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS" the other half "BRING THEM HOME " was perfectly cut out.
I believe that the majority of people who have a McCain/Palin sign on their lawn and who probably but not necessary will vote for them will not do so because they like the ticket. Most of them will just support their party. Is this not a shame?
To day from Obama's campaign I got this:
The Republican National Committee is distributing a mail piece that says "Terrorists" on the front and opens to a big picture of Barack saying "Not Who You Think He Is."John McCain -- who promised to run a respectful campaign -- said that he was "absolutely" proud of it.
Can they go lower than that? This is criminal! Oh! and listen to Tamar Yonah one of Israel's most popular English-speaking radio show hosts. Tamar continues the discussion on the Barack's birth story and states that if Obama just came out and gave the courts his original birth certificate, the suspicions against him could finally be put to rest, and the truth prevail.
In twelve days we will have a new president and the whole world is waiting while pundits lie through their teeth and nothing can stop them even the most outrageous lies on Obama's personal character. Yes, this is criminal and the news media do not lift one single finger.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Oh! some Conservative Republicans may have the guts to speak more about their feelings but no matter what , for them it will a G.O. P vote.
Just two days ago I heard on NPR a couple of interviews with some of those people. from the start I could finish their own sentences. Most of them were voting for McCain/Palin ticket. For example a woman began by saying thatMcCain has a lot of experience as a combatant and a Senator and that obama was an intellectual (guess for whom she is voting?) the rest about Obama was totally irrelevant. She ended with - word for word- that "people are hungry for God but they don't know it." Unbelievable! A man said that after listening to the second debate (Obama/McCain) he could not vote for Obama because he did not answer any questions. WHAT?
Undecided voters are liars. They want to have a few minutes of fame, be heard on the news and pretend that they are analyzing the candidates. Or better they are using a trick to try to convince people to change their minds by speaking on a microphone.
I avoid those people. No time to waste . But I will continue to speak to those who say that they will vote for Nader or do a write-in for Kucinich (who himself is voting for Obama and encourage his own supporters to do the same.)
When in a mist of a Palin rally someone yells "kill him", when a young woman is being asked if she believes that Obama is a terrorist responds "Yes, I do" after
a non-stop week of smears against Obama's character, I am enraged but I also believe that "We’ll pass it, I predict"
This is what I sent to my political groups and personal friends:
I am sending this to personal friends but also to people I have worked with in fighting the Bush administration. While I usually respect each and every one's choice in voting, I will not this time respect the choice of anyone who knows that FASCISM is here yet who supports a third ticket knowing VERY WELL that it may end-up with a McCain/Palin victory. This is not the time for a third party's win but we must put an end to FASCISM! We all must rally behind OBAMA/BIDEN.
Please watch:
PS: don't agree with me? Don't worry, I will not be living here any longer to pester anyone if a McCain/Palin ticket wins!
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" ~Martin Luther King Jr.~
Thank you,
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Politics and Religion DO NOT MIX! (especially in CHURCHES!
A letter written by Mortimer M.Caplin, Cono R. Namorato and Marcus S. Owens was sent to Michael Chesman ( I.R.S). READ IT
OBSESSION : "...required viewing for everyone" (Howard Gordon) REALLY?????
Clarion Fund
255, W. 36th street
Suite 800
New York, NY 10018
646- 502-8380
The Clarion Fund - a shadowy non-profit organization that does not publicize its officers, office location, or source of funding - recently financed the distribution of some 28 million DVDs containing the film ‘Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West’ in what many political analysts describe as ‘swing’ states in the upcoming presidential elections. Those same analysts say the distribution of the ‘Obsession’ DVD was designed to benefit a particular presidential candidate, namely Sen. John McCain.
A nonprofit group that has shipped out 28-million copies of a controversial film on radical Islam refuses to reveal the source of its funding, but numerous ties connect it to a well-known Jewish education group that vehemently denies any involvement with the film.
AND, please take the time to thank the newspapers who refused to distribute this film and to condemn those who did!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Simply igorant and full of hatred!
As we protest in Peace, my accent gives me trouble! "You were even not born in America!" And Oh! the next line " Put your arms down I am smelling you!" is another insult from people who have a bias toward the French and/or the Spanish .
Yeah! I often heard " do you shave?" get my drift?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
McCain/Palin "Victory" rally!
No More of the same! Bush,war and McCain!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
McCain/Palin are coming to us and we will welcome them NOT!
We will be there!
NO MORE OF THE SAME: BUSH WAR & JOHN McCAIN McCain/Palin Victory Rally in Media TOMORROW - Monday, September 22 Raise Your Voice for Peace in Media, PA 3PM - Protest Walk from Routes 1 & 252 (Baltimore Pike & Providence Road), preceded by vigil beginning at 1:30PM The Republicans are shuttling busloads on Baltimore Pike from the Springfield Mall to the John McCain/Sarah Palin Victory (ticketed, restricted) Rally in Media beginning at 3PM in front of the Delaware County Courthouse (Front St. & Veterans Square). McCain and Palin will make a brief appearance around 5PM. We will demonstrate for peace and for justice. Tomorrow, we will gather at Baltimore Pike & Providence Road (Rts. 1 & 252) at 3PM and walk into and through Media stating - with signs, large banners, and chants - our opposition to the policy of war and occupation, corporate profiteering at the ex pense of people. NO MORE OF THE SAME: BUSH WAR & JOHN McCAIN! At the corner of Baltimore Pike and Veterans Square, we will take our message and protest to the "sea of red*" rally for McCain & Palin. (*McCainites are being asked to wear red)
Note: Monique and friends will be wearing blue!From 1:30PM - 3PM, there will be a peace vigil at the corner of Baltimore Pike & Providence Road (Routes 1 & 252, Media's main intersection) with banners and signs prior the protest walk and demonstration JOIN US if you can! Parking nearby in Acme lot and easily accessible by SEPTA bus #110 - get off at Baltimore Pike & Providence Road - and #101 69th St. - Media Trolley - get off at Providence Road & State State and walk one block south to Baltimore Pike, see Banners and signs available or make and bring your own! Money for Human Needs, Not War! Don't Be Silent, Join Us Monday in Media. NO MORE OF THE SAME: BUSH WAR & JOHN McCAIN Brandywine Peace Community, P.O. Box 81, Swarthmore, PA19081 610-544-1818 brand
Why some people will vote for McCain?
Because Obama will raise his taxes.
I wonder how many of those guys (and gals) are out here. Pretty sick is it not?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
How many selfish bastards like this one?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Could a McCain victory be a blessing for America?
Those are just a few of what will happen with a McCain/Palin victory. This could be a blessing for America as our dry-drunk country would pay the price for electing a worst ( how can it be) administration after making George W. Bush the president not just once but twice. One needs to lose all in order to face reality from mistakes and to recover. Then, lets hope that Americans would have finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel they would have created.
We HAVE THE POWER! Lets use it by making the right choice. VOTE OBAMA/BIDEN in 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
9/11 anniversary does not unite us
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
9/11 and here comes Palin
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
This war should be the number one issue in the presidential election. What are people thinking? Economy? yup: THE WAR, moral values? THE WAR! Here is for you Mr. Bush:
Mr. President,
I want to knowWhat is a mother to say to her child when old enough to ask why did Dad go to war, why did he have to die?What should we read on the tombs of the brave American soldiers who lost their lives?What should we tell the orphans of Iraq?I want to know the name of the God you pray, the one who tells you that you were right to attack Iraq, how you manage to smile and lie at the same time, how you can sleep at night.I want to know how many poor families, how many people without health insurance, how many of our own we could have helped with 500 ++++million dollars we are spending every four-day in Iraq.You have carried your support for the death penalty beyond the country you chose to bomb. I am joining all the outraged citizens of America, I am standing up and I am fighting back.Mr. President, you have to be impeached for treachery and I WANT TO KNOW when. It won’t bring back our sisters and brothers neither the innocents who lost their lives just because they happened to be there. But it may bring back trust in our heart that America stands for Justice. Your legacy will be “the war president.” You own it. Mr. President I want to know that one day you will be humble enough to say that you are sorry, instead of pointing fingers at those who “mislead” you. If I cannot find peace for your war that I call a massacre, it may restore in me the faith in humanity.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Just imagine a future Palin as President of the United States! How about a REVOLUTION?
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sarah Palin as GOP's Vice Prez?
Wanna bet that the fact that her son is leaving for Iraq on 9/11 is going to be used by the GOP?
Here is a link to the radio interview (just a very small portion)
Transcript: TIME's interview with Sarah Palin
And not too long after she took office as Governor , in 2007, she was interviewed by Alaska Business Monthly and asked about the upcoming "surge", this is wat she said:
"I've been so focused on state government, I haven't really focused much on the war in Iraq,"
Gov. Palin and Iraq
All of the above combined with her policies on Women Right to Choose, drilling in the wildlife refuge, her denial of pollution re: global warming, her suing the U.S Fish & wildlife service to remove polar bear ban from the list of endangered species etc...McCain gave his own birthday present to the GOP! And this is who may run the country one day?
If some Dem.women supporters of Hillary vote for the McCain/Palin ticket, shame on them!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I have more respect for someone who would stay home if the nominee were a supporter of the war. I myself would not support a president who agreed to go to Iraq. NEVER! Hey, you have to walk your talk!
In a way this convention is like all convention. Fired-up the people, give them hope. But this time the price to pay is far too high if we lose. My friend L. always says "Be afraid, very afraid". I do not want to be afraid, but I cannot lie to myself. I really do not want to have to go back to Europe and leave my 40 something life in the U.S behind, but I would not be able to bare another 4 years of a republican DICTATORSHIP.
I cannot wait to watch the Republican convention ( if my stomach can take it). The lies will be pouring that's for sure. OH! here is the best of the Inky today. Don't worry more of the same will be coming until November. Nice time we are living!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Dreams never die

Caroline Kennedy was the one who introduced "Uncle Teddy". I am glad that she mentioned that he took a strong stand against the war on Iraq and that we have the choice to either see our country moving forward or fall over further behind. Well said, Caroline.
Senator Kennedy's voice was a little shaky at times but his physical strength appeared the same as when I met him. The guy wanted to be there and nothing would have stopped him. He spoke about a new hope, renewal for our nation, that hope was the cause of his life, that dreams never die and that health care (for all) was not a privilege and as he spoke about the gaps that Obama will end between groups of people he mentioned the one of Straights against Gays. BRAVO! the Conservative Republicans watching this must have diarrhea on this one!
Ah! Michelle Obama. What a woman! She was the highlight of the night! A passionate speech that brought tears to the eyes of many people, men and women in the audience. When she said that "We have an obligation to thrive for the world as it should be", I thought of the past eight years that I lived, all the protests against the war, the petitions I have signed, the visits to senators and congressmen, my working for Howard Dean's Campaign, my trust and dreams during the past two presidential elections and I felt a great sadness.
She paid tribute to Hillary Clinton (well done), but one of my favorite time was when she said "This time we listen to our hopes rather than our fears" YEAH! you go Michelle!
Tomorrow, Tuesday, Hillary Clinton will take the stage. I cannot wait for the damn thing to be over! But I am looking forward Thursday when it will be Barack Obama's turn!
We better win this one! My friend, L. says that Obama has no chance. I am going to say it again: if Obama does not win, it is for one reason only :PURE RACISM!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
How does one learn to hate?
Here is an Op-Ed that will make you think and that is getting lots heat.
Racism may cost a Obama's victory
I am not saying that ignorant and intolerant people will go around killing Obama's supporters but those idiots who believe everything they hear or read may well kill Obama's chance to be our next president. Take a look here.
Frankly I do not think that the majority of those people wants to be educated as their prejudice is ingrained in their minds and souls. When Hillary and Barack came to Philadelphia this summer and I joined the rally in front the Constitution Center, a woman (Hillary's supporter) flanked her sign to my face and when I told her that I was supporting Obama she called me a communist! Yes, a communist! Now, to my knowledge, no one suggested that Obama was a communist but I strongly suspect that my french accent led this woman to her own conclusion.
America is in deep trouble indeed!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
OBAMA/BIDEN and why I am not thrilled
You know the rest. Dean lost, Kerry lost, or should I say the stolen Election of 2000 was keeping its course.
Today, we have Barack Obama and his running mate Joe Biden. No, I am not thrilled and do not want to be. I remember looking in the mirror of my bathroom while CNN was doing its projection. Kerry was ahead of Bush, Kerry was the winner without a doubt. I said "and if..." no, it was not possible. NO! How could it be? I panicked for a moment. In the morning we had the "winner". Bush was again "elected". I Cannot, will not believe in the polls, the only thing I can do is do all I can to persuade people to vote for our ticket.
And if McCain makes it, trust me it will be for one reason and one reason only: America is racist. Oh! the Media will analyse to death our defeat, from "inexperienced" candidate to the fear of voters for another attack on our soil, that only a warmonger could help us avoid and/or fight back.
No, I am not thrilled, but I will continue to be positive and believe that this time people are smarter. That's all I want to keep in mind.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Requiem for the Last American Soldier to Die in Iraq
64 years later
I hold this tiny soldier in my hands almost everyday. My father carried it as he fought many battles only to come back home in a coffin. 64 years later I never felt so close to him. I wonder how many times he hold it, perhaps kissed it as I often do. 64 years later, I cry for the father I never met.
The Weight of War Falls on the Young