Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's happening right here, in America!

During an anti-war group meeting in Philadelphia people decided to hold a fund raising for the people of Gaza who have lost everything, no place to go, no food to eat. How much a small group can raise is questionable as much activists ( the ones I work with anyway) do not have much money for themselves. But, hey! there are many ways to raise money. I find this very commendable. But I have been thinking about the poor people in Philadelphia, the children who go to school on an empty stomach, those who barely have a pair of shoes to wear and then I ask why energy cannot be spent in helping the people of our own town. I was told that over there ( in Gaza) people are dying and suffering. There is a war. What is the difference between war on hunger and military wars? don't people die just the same?

How many people in our town have to choose between paying their water bill or the gas bill and buying food for themselves and their kids? Check some stories here
And want to feel like it is to buy food with food stamps allowance and how much you can get, what kind of food you can buy? check here

So, I am just thinking. Perhaps it is easier to do good deeds for the people we do not see, the ones living far, far away and it hurts too much to help those who are just around the corner from where we live? Could a small group of well intended people do more and be more efficient in helping those they can see?
Just my thoughts for today.

1 comment:

Larry said...

I don't agree with this line of reasoning.
I think that what has happened in Gaza is the slaughter of innocents by the US Empire and it's Israeli puppet state.
People in Gaza are being starved to death and killed by the most heinous weapons. It is an emergency situation there.
We can't separate our movement here from the actions of the US Empire. As long a billions are spent for war and killing, the needed money will not be here to help the hungry people in Philadelphia.
By having a Gaza fundraiser we can clearly make this connection.
