Monday, February 2, 2009

Justice is the real change we need!

I have to admit that I often think of quitting fighting for justice while at the same time I am infuriated at Obama who wants to turn the page on the Bush administration's crimes. Until someone gives me hope again as it happened yesterday when a man crossing the street passing in front of my car gave me thumb-up for my sticker "impeach Bush". If there is no doubt in my mind that a great majority of us feel that justice was not rendered yet many of us are tired to fight, want to turn the page and go forward to a better future. I am ashamed for thinking - even for a short time- of quitting, but if the voices that were not heard during the Bush administration become quiet there is no REAL future and Change for America!
Impeachment still can be done , but if the word "Impeach" a (ex) President brings back a bad memory to the citizens, how about the word INDICT?
Change in the world? Let us begin at home!

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