Thursday, January 8, 2009

An Unnecessary War? Aren't they all?

Do not misunderstand me. I hate wars, but a true "pacifist" I am not. I would defend myself if attacked, I never pretended to be or wanting to be a martyr. But bombing a country is another story and to say - after bombing- that fighting on the ground because from the air it is difficult to see what is really being targeted ( heard on NPR from the Isateli Government)infuriates me.
I agree with Jimmy Carter and I am glad to see the Bush administration go and hope that Obama will stop following the bias approach of the Bush administration toward Israel. Not that I support Hamas but lets be real, when dealing with extremists ( on both side) one must be honest. Again, two wrongs do not make a right but this vicous cycle will not end because the United States says so. A two states solution is the only answer to this conflict. Will Israel understand this?
Now, the conflict is widening, and this should not be a suprise for Israel did it expect that no one would come and help its ennemy? Good job! lets see how many more are going to die and how much safe, WE are all going to feel!

1 comment:

Larry said...

I agree that the Israeli's must heed the advice of former President Jimmy Carter, withdrawal from all occupied land taken in 1967 and abide by UN resolution 242That's the only hope for the survival of the state of Israel.
